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The Explanation

Welcome to my project! My name is Jessica Golden and I am a senior at the University of Michigan studying Political Science and Writing. Like many college seniors graduating soon across the country, I'm at a huge transition point in my life and finally facing the question of, what do I want to be when I grow up? To say the question, let along facing the question, overwhelms me would be an understatement. Am I grown up? What if I don't want to decide yet? What if I pick the wrong thing? 


I keep a note open on my computer at all times with the words of F. Scott Fitzgerald, “For what it’s worth: it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again." His advice comforts me and reminds me that it's truly never too late. I will need to pick a job to begin after graduation, I cannot remain indecisive and worried forever, but what I choose for next year doesn't have to be what I do for the rest of my life. 


Stuck at a crossroad of applications, interviews and a couple of mental breakdowns about my future, I decided that I should take a step back from my own process and look at a greater picture. I'm surrounded by people that are either in the same boat as I am, confused, scared and worried, and other people that are a generation ahead and so passionate about their career and going to work everyday. For the Minor in Writing, we are given the opportunity to create a final project and this is mine. I've created a podcast of interviews with people around me that are mentors, inspirations and daily teachers (literally and figuratively) to me and truly embody my favorite Fitzgerald quote. 


I've put together this website to allow those in similar positions and life transitions as me to reference. For college seniors, who might need a little advice and reminder that what you want to do can happen one day, but also for people at any point in their life who think they may be ready for a change. The stories of Jason, John, Scott and Nicola that I have shared show that at any point in your life you can change your mind and your career with determination, support and sometimes a little luck. 


I learned more than I ever thought I could by creating this project and my hope is that others can connect to the interviews and reflection as well. To best navigate this website, I'd recommend proceeding to The Project tab and listening to the podcast I have created, I have then provided the full interviews with each person as well as some information on them. Finally, you can see a full reflection of my reaction to the research and advice I got in the The Reflection tab. Each interview is available for listening and fully transcribed as well.

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